Inspire Change is a global movement and collection of conscious information. An essential connection of our self to the uplifting sources and communities available.
Much like the old idea of a FOOD Pyramid, or a WELLNESS Wheel, surfacing are the categories which will make the difference in our lives to liberate us from fear & suffering and allow us to live together mindfully. We find new information shared in our every day news feeds that inspire change within, and inspire us by showing positive possibilities & changes happening globally around us.
The areas of conscious movement are the following:
Sustainability / Alternative Health / Renewable Energy / Clean Water / Clean Food / Empowering Self
We strive to building new lasting communities through strong personal and positive connections to satisfy all of these levels.
Follow INSPIRE CHANGE on Facebook
Inspire Change is a global movement and collection of conscious information. An essential connection of our self to the uplifting sources and communities available.
Much like the old idea of a FOOD Pyramid, or a WELLNESS Wheel, surfacing are the categories which will make the difference in our lives to liberate us from fear & suffering and allow us to live together mindfully. We find new information shared in our every day news feeds that inspire change within, and inspire us by showing positive possibilities & changes happening globally around us.
The areas of conscious movement are the following:
Sustainability / Alternative Health / Renewable Energy / Clean Water / Clean Food / Empowering Self
We strive to building new lasting communities through strong personal and positive connections to satisfy all of these levels.
Follow INSPIRE CHANGE on Facebook
Between Silence & Sound
Andrea Paquin, Elise Arseneau, Jeff Nickell, Jon McGraff
Andrea Paquin, Elise Arseneau, Jeff Nickell, Jon McGraff